Michael L. Stahl appearing on the air with the anchors of News 6, a CBS-affiliated station.
Keynote Speaking
Value-filled, entertaining keynote speeches for corporate meetings and conventions of every size and scope. Focus includes personal development, leadership, sales and topics customized to your specific corporate theme. Michael has worked with international audiences and always works with your team to ensure that every presentation is impactful and relevant to your group and that each program carries with it a results-based message. Pre-program research allows for the integration of stories and anecdotes that apply directly to your audience as opposed to an entire presentation of “off the shelf” content. Michael works hard to make sure your audience has the opportunity to learn, grow and have an engaging, memorable experience – all at the same time.
Mental Hygiene Project
The Mental Hygiene Project (MHP) provides mental health and wellness programs that create committed, focused employees, strong mental health and lower on the job risk and effective, inspired leaders. The foundational program titled “Psychological Empowerment 360” shares strategies and methods for personal and organizational resiliency. The
MHP lays the foundation for Organizational Systems for Resilience, Personal Resilience Capacity Building, Resilience Preparation and Resilience Renovation. This creates an organization that leads for positive mental health and builds a foundation of mental and physical wellness. The American Psychiatric Association (APA) says that 1 in 5 Americans will suffer a mental health injury at some point in their lives. That is more than cancer, heart disease and diabetes combined. The APA reports that depression alone costs employers $44 billion worth of lost productivity in the workplace each year. The Mental Hygiene Project provides onboarding and wellness programs to lay the foundation for better understanding and mitigation of mental health injuries before they occur.
Executive Coaching and Behavioral Traits Assessment
We utilize the Harrison Assessment™ which is a one-stop shop for selection and hiring, performance management, coaching and development and succession planning. It’s depth, accuracy and effectiveness is unparalleled. It has led to breakthroughs in human performance, communications, team effectiveness, sales results and leadership productivity By using a laser targeted assessment that specifically examines how behavioral traits affect performance, it is possible to identify strengths, imbalances and full developmental plans for both individuals and organizational teams. Our performance coaching has been successfully implemented at all levels. From the CEO who many times has to talk to the “windshield” because there are sensitive issues they either cannot or will not share with their team, to the middle manager and frontline supervisor who need an outside voice to help guide, direct and create “next-level” implementation plans.
Customized Training and Organizational Transformation
We coach and train individuals in common sense, practical techniques to improve leadership and sales effectiveness, productive capacity, employee inspiration, customer loyalty and competitive advantage. Whether it is point of contact sales and service interactions, leadership development or total organizational transformation, we seek to remove limits to growth and ensure that your organization achieves both short-term goals and long-term vision. The frontline typically has the best and most dramatic opportunity to positively influence top-line revenue, bottom-line profit and the overall customer experience. With that in mind, it takes leadership execution to create a learning organization capable of achieving commitment from all members of the team, as opposed to just compliance. When that happens, our experience has shown that a small 5%-10% increase in top line revenue can have a massive positive multiplier effect on the bottom line profit of companies because, when most expenses are already being paid, much of that top-line increase goes directly to improving the profit margin.
Michael L. Stahl has spoken to every size of audience and can meet your needs no matter what the scope of your event entails.
As seen on CNN Financial News…

Michael L. Stahl is the author of the “Focus Your Power” series of manuals for personal development and business success.
As a contributor to the best-selling book, “101 Great Ways to Improve Your Life”, along with Zig Ziglar and Brian Tracy, Michael was recognized as a top expert in the field of personal development.